President’s Comments/Update (Kristen Christy) Present
– Wounded Airman Benefit (WAB): Last year raised $2,500 – $3000; this year $6,000
Note: Casino Night—first night of Cyber Space Symposium; normally the first week-end in February. Tentative date for “2018” will be the first week in March which will give more time to plan. Our scheduled wounded airman did not show (don’t know why).
– Meeting with the Honorable Whit Peters: Night after Wounded Airman benefit—other important folks attended; high level due to money issue at National level; membership of AFA under 100K, so no congressional clout; no marketing person at National—missing the mark on expanding membership; message of what AFA membership does for me; can’t just focus on recruiting retirees;
– Space Warfare Symposium: Gen Raymond/Hyten behind; will have meeting with his office; want to call it Air/Space/Cyber Warfare Symposium; need to rebrand as people know it as the Space Warfare Symposium; having a golf tournament that weekend; 22-25 August Industryand Military Golf Event (IMAGE) on 25 Aug; getting Gen Raymond’s inputs—could be one or two days; he wants to help; will there be classified? Used to be classified topics and could be again;
– Membership Special (National AFA): Promoting “70 for 70” e-membership for 1 year is normally $30.00 under this promotion membership is $15.00 (Promo code is 70for70). Our chapter has around 2,000 members so our goal is 70 new members for Sijan Chapter; $15 comes back to chapter; can include community partners towards goal (but can’t get discount). (Read More)